Discover your company’s level with our digitalization test

A revolutionary digitalization test

Digital transformation is on everyone’s lips. But not all organisations are equally prepared to take on the technological and cultural change that involves abandoning the analogue world and adapting to the digital world with the speed demanded by citizens and the market.

The digitalization process we are experiencing is forcing organisations to adapt rapidly to the new paradigm. However, there are many companies and organisations that have doubts about the direction to take. Inova wants to help dispel these doubts with a free tool that allows you to know the level of digitisation of an organisation in just five minutes. You will find the tool at the end of the article.

Inova’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship area, in collaboration with Digital Transformation specialists, has developed a self-assessment test designed to help companies and institutions identify their strengths and weaknesses from the point of view of digitalization.

Digitalization Test

Not all organisations are at the same stage of the transformation process. Nor are they all putting the same emphasis on transforming the key aspects that define the transition to digital tools.

Three premises for assessing the degree of digitalization

The starting point is a preconceived model of digitalization and its applications in a company, based on 10 axes that characterise the ideal model and serve as assessment criteria: surveillance, customers, products and services, operations, systems, equipment, innovation, data, analytics and artificial intelligence.

All the assessments given to each of these criteria depend on the opinion of the assessor and are therefore subjective: they represent exclusively an individual perspective (or collective, in the case of aggregating the answers of several people) and not the objective situation of the company in terms of digitisation.

The resulting diagnosis should not be understood as a definitive judgement of a digitisation process but as an invitation to improve it where appropriate.

In fact, if an optimum diagnosis is obtained in all areas, it will most probably be worth repeating it with a more critical spirit; in other words, in our experience, there is no digitisation process that cannot (and should not) be improved.

Inova´s digitalization test

How to use the self-assessment test of the digitization level

At the bottom of this entry you will find the self-assessment sheet, read carefully the 10 evaluation criteria. Give your evaluation of each of them by clicking on the corresponding button on the evaluation scale, from “0” (strongly disagree) to “3” (strongly agree). As you do so, on the right-hand side you will see a visual expression of the self-assessment in the form of an area graph; when you have finished, you can download it as an image (PNG) by clicking on the icon in the shape of a camera.

Feel free to use this tool; we would like to share some of our digitisation experience with you. Of course, we thank you for quoting us and/or linking to us.

Of course, the tool is debatable and can be improved. If you think it is worthwhile, please contact us at


The data you enter in the tool will be deleted when you exit the tool. The only information we store about you is your browsing information, as with the rest of our website; please see our privacy policy —— if you feel this is necessary.

Digitisation Test