ETAM+ Energy Trilemma Advanced Analytics

ETAM+ is a project to provide decision support in the maritime industry on how to achieve energy efficiency and emission reductions at least cost. The tool models energy systems mathematically and simulates implementation of emission reduction measures (technologies and operatives). This provides reliable, personalized ex-ante information on available green measures, enabling clients to make efficient investment decisions in low emission measures.

Technology, key of the Energy Trilemma Advanced Analytics

In this project technology has been studied to achieve the best solutions for the clients, proposing optimal energy consumption (Electrical and fossil fuel). These technologies relate to the main energy uses in ports, which can be categorized as follows:

Energy Trilemma Advanced Analytics

Electricity consumption by type of use. Source: Puertos del Estado.

Energy Trilemma Advanced Analytics

Types of fuels used in ports. Source: Puertos del Estado.

Recently, Inova has presented the ETAM+ Energy Trilemma Advanced Analytics project within the framework of action in the blue growth initiative of the Port of Vigo. The blue growth initiative is supported by the Directive General Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the EU. Inova plays a key role in the blue growth initiatives of the port of Vigo, contributing as an organizer of the program as well as an active participants in several projects.

Fotografía de la reunión con DG Mare, en Bruselas, el 20/4/2016.

Photography of the meeting with DG Mare in Brussels at 4/20/2016.


ETAM+ Energy Trilemma Advanced Analytics is a project funded by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness through the call Horizonte Pyme from the Programa Estatal de Liderazgo Empresarial under the umbrella of Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica de Innovación 2013-2016
