Industry 4.0


industry 4.0

We are experts at identifying the needs of industrial companies and finding technological solutions which show the highest potential in terms of fostering their competitiveness.


If there is a field where digital transformation reaches its full potential, that is the industrial sector. Innovation, productivity, scalability, process transformation, product improvement… Digitisation is revolutionising the industrial companies, multiplying their ability to provide economic progress and social transformation at each link of the value chain.

Although there is a growing number of industrial firms that accept the need of incorporating cutting-edge technologies and new production techniques to their strategies, is not always the case that they know how to do it.

Inova’s role is to identify the company’s needs, select the tools and processes that fit better with its profile, and design a custom itinerary to make sure that digitisation turns into de definitive stimulus to win the competitiveness battle.

Automation, artificial intelligence, the internet of things, big data…

Inova firmly believes that state-of-the-art technology must be employed to promote productivity among industrial firms. Nevertheless, not all companies are the same -neither do they need the same technological implementation strategy.

How do we do it?



Design of action plans to deploy habilitating technologies in industrial companies.



Design and execution of training programmes on Industry and Logistics 4.0.

Digital Sherpa

Digital Sherpa

Technological benchmarking and coordination and support for the implementation of industrial digitisation itineraries.


custom solutions

custom solutions

Custom 4.0 solutions for specific applications, such as artificial intelligence and computer vision.

Industry 4.0

At Inova we have designed a methodology that considers the circumstances of each company, focusing on its profile, its background, and its potential. Nothing is left to chance. Success is the only expected result of the digital challenge.

Our recent projects